Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The View Of American History - 929 Words

Imagine being afraid for your life because of a rumor going around in your town and the end result was death. In Salem, Massachusetts there was a group of girls with Abigail the voice of the group. They would accuse people of doing witchcraft. The community would be afraid of this issue, that they would be more bias towards the situation. They would only take the church in an opinion on how to settle the issue. The view of American history the filmmakers are trying to get across is how the state and church were not separate in Salem, Massachusetts. The community in Salem had the same laws, rules for both church and state, they believed that they needed to compile towards what God’s laws were. It was an issue in the year 1692, when the Salem witchcraft trials occurred in the small town of Salem, Massachusetts where people were being accused of allegedly performing witchcraft. The people in Salem were Christians and if someone’s behaviors threaten their religion or God, i t would be a major threat towards the community of Salem. It would be a major concern towards the people because it can affect their community and their safety. They would believe in only in God for good and the devil for bad. In the year 1692 the people of Salem were puritans, their clothes would be modest and handmade. In the Crucible the outfits they wore were similar to what they wore back in the year 1692. They made the background in the Crucible very detail having the houses made out of wood and havingShow MoreRelated Societal Views on Interracialism Throughout American History6209 Words   |  25 Pagestranscended generations, as well as cultures. It is a subject that, historically, has held the potential to incite savage racial discrimination, loathing, and violence. 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