Saturday, May 16, 2020

Negative Effects Of Instagram - 1439 Words

Social media: a blessing or a burden? It gives the ability to like, comment and interact with any person at any time. A platform with recent growth and popularity, Instagram, reaches copious amounts people. Expectedly so, controversy has arisen from the decade of social media and this form in particular. Research has found Instagram to have the highest overall negative effect on mental health (Cramer Inkster, 2017). Through analyzing human psyche and critiquing data, this paper will seek to explain the negative mental health outcomes resulting from the use of Instagram. Literature Review Being so contemporary, social media’s effects are only recently being discovered. Research conducted by Shirley Cramer and Dr. Becky Inkster indicates†¦show more content†¦As the drastic increase of social media networks has increased, so too has the cyberbullying prevalence. Merriam-Webster defines cyberbullying as the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person often done anonymously. Kassandra Gahagan and her fellow colleagues studied cyberbullying among students and its outcomes. Studies show higher rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors with victims of cyberbullying, along with higher rates of depression, anxiety and paranoia (Gahagan, Vaterlaus Frost, 2015). While cyberbullying can be both intentional or unintentional, it is a negative process which effects the victim. This includes comments, posts without consent and messages. The study conducted sought to determine the prevalence of cyberbullying among young adults and the negative outcomes through asking three questions. While cyberbullying continues to be an ongoing controversy, depression is steadily increasing among social media users. Munmun Choudhury and fellow colleagues studied negative affiliation of social media and mental health, predicting depression through social media use. In another study, Instagram was found to have a high decrease in quality and amount of sleep (Cramer Inkster, 2017). 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