Thursday, April 16, 2020

Need for Topic on Climate Change in Geography Courses

Geography instructors from various departments have to ensure that their course materials are relevant to geography topics and concepts, which deal with sustainable development. Their principal goal is educating students about the relevant topics, which requires appropriate geography methods and concepts.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Need for Topic on Climate Change in Geography Courses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After comprehensive consultations from stakeholders, it was agreed that there is a need to include a topic on climate change in future geography courses. The topic will be focussed on sustainable development. This report aims at presenting the most significant learning objectives for climate change, how climate change is related to sustainable development, the value of contemporary geography and climate change to student learning, and how contemporary geography contributes to climate change. Le arning Objectives Comprehend how the natural environment is impacted on by climate change. Comprehend how habitat destruction results from climate change, and how habitat destruction interrelates with other climate change features to endanger animal species. Comprehend how air pollution results from climate change, which results to life threatening impacts. Comprehend how climate change worsens soil erosion, which could result to more climate change (Smit Pilifosova, 2003). Identify the manner in which systems work, which will entail understanding the connection between environmental change forms and climate change. Relevance of climate change to sustainable development Human activity has a direct impact on global climate change. Globally, many people associate these changes with negative outcomes. Scientists associate human industrial activities with the mounting global temperatures. The worsening environment and climate change are the principal handicaps to stability, food sust ainability, and bio- diversity. The future lives of people are threatened by the deteriorating air and soil quality, pollution, and desertification. Therefore, there is a need for stakeholders to advocate for programmes that curb these environmental risks. Solving the environmental threats is a key ingredient for ensuring sustainable development and progress. Value of contemporary geography to student learning Contemporary geography is exceptionally vital for students. Through its study, students get the chance to grow their overall intellectual capacity, which is useful for progressive learning. Moreover, students acquire the necessary skills for decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving. Through the study of contemporary geography, students acquire skills on values judgement and clarification. These skills are extremely important since they enhance an individual’s whole development. The study of contemporary geography enables students to view their world spati ally. They acquire a systematic enquiry framework, which makes them inquisitive about their world. Geography acts a vital bridge between the physical and social sciences. Therefore, students possess more information about economies, societies, and culture dynamics (Smit Pilifosova, 2003). Value of climate change to student learning Student engagement and education are extremely vital in creating awareness about the consequences of climate change. Through learning about climate change, students understand comprehensively what global climate change is, how it influences their lifestyles and health, and the activities they can engage in to minimise it. Through learning about climate change, students get a passion to participate in programs that protect the environment and health.Advertising Looking for report on geography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More How contemporary Geography contributes to climate change Geography involves the study of subjects such as demographics, climate change, urbanization, civics, and welfare state. This enables students to acquire knowledge and skills to research and seek for more information about climate change. In addition, students are informed about how climate change influences their health and environment. Reference Smit, B., Pilifosova, O. (2003). Adaptation to climate change in the context of sustainable development and equity. Sustainable Development, 8(9), 9- 129. This report on Need for Topic on Climate Change in Geography Courses was written and submitted by user Izaiah R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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