Saturday, December 28, 2019

Fossil Fuels Are Bad For Our Environment - 889 Words

Fossil fuels are bad for our environment, and in a economy that is struggling, there is no point in pouring billions of dollars a year into an energy source that is killing our other resources. This kind of spending and reckless destruction of our environment will eventually have to stop. The question is, when it does what will we do? There are many other forms of alternative energy that are accessible to us right now. These energy sources will eventually have to be used in the place of burning fossil fuels to power our world. People have become so accustomed to the idea that burning fossil fuels is okay because that s how it has always been. Even as I am writing this, and researching why it has to stop, I am not in a panic because these warnings about our planets future health have been preached to me for a long time. Someday, though, we won t have a choice to ignore this issue any longer. The limiting factor on humans fossil fuel use will not be the exhaustion of economically reco verable fossil fuels, but the exhaustion of the Earth s capacity to withstand the harmful byproducts of fossil fuel combustion. - Jeffrey Rissman. Rissman believes, like I do, that there will come a time that burning fossil fuels won t be an option. When this time comes solar energy is the way to turn. Solar energy is the best alternative energy source to power our homes and businesses for the future. One of the major setbacks of using solar energy is the cost. It is expensive toShow MoreRelatedCarbon Dioxide And Its Effects On The Environment1101 Words   |  5 Pagesyou can see these fossil fuels create a chain effect damaging more than we are aware of. One of the biggest problems with switching to renewable energy isn’t that we couldn’t make it work or the startup cost is too much, it’s because, as most people agree, the oil businesses doesn’t want to lose out on the money. The oil industries made 1021.1 billion dollars in the past ten years. A lot of the world depends on oil production, but it is causing severe damage to our environment. There is a massiveRead MoreRenewable Sources of Energy1155 Words   |  5 PagesBiofuel is Fuel produced from renewable resources, especially plant biomass, vegetable oils, and treated municipal and industrial wastes. Every time we drive in a vehicle we are using nonrenewable resources that are bad for the environment. Using gasoline or diesel release chemicals called green house gasses into the environment. Because of theses harmful chemicals people have started to use biofuels. There are two types of biofuels, ethanol and biodiesel. Biofuel is Fuel produced from renewableRead MorePollution, A Silent Death922 Words   |  4 Pagestakes a lot to make it happen and there are many steps before reaching that perfect world. Pollution has many factors, from litter, garbage and plastics to oil spills, urban air and greenhouse gasses. Things like this cause natural disasters and environment haza rds such as hurricanes, floods, avalanches and storms. The sad truth is that no matter what nature does it’s going to survive, humans are the ones in danger and they have do something to save the future generations. To start off, litter andRead MoreFossil Fuels and Climate Change Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pages In this paper, we focus on using fossil fuels causing climate change. Fossil fuels are fuels formed natural resources such as coal, petroleum and natural gas, which are the most widely used fuel and industrial chemicals in the world. Since industrial revolution, fossil fuels bring a very great quantity convenience and technological products. So we can use cars, planes and all modern products. But fossil fuels cause climate change at the same time. 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The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil are a main source to why the greenhouse effect is being enhanced and likely contributing to global warming (Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide, 4). To hind er this increase in the global warming process we must reduce CO2 emissionRead MoreThroughout The Course Of The Years, The World Has Been1306 Words   |  6 Pagesdetrimental factors. Many of these detrimental factors include fossil fuels and pollution are having a negative impact on our planet. Luckily, engineers have developed new and innovative technology that can potentially help lessen pollution and other detrimental factors. Green technology has the immense potential to generate a new method to help produce a less toxic environment ( What Is Green Technology ). Our world is slowly decaying as a result of our human actions everyday. Yet, what if specific technologyRead MorePopulation Growth : The Importance Of Controlling Growth1594 Words   |  7 PagesGrowth: The Importance of Controlling Growth Sean Baghaloo s104585 University of the People â€Æ' In the bible when god created man he had stated â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth†, (Genesis 1:28). It would seem that mankind has responded to our fathers request quite well. But is seven billion that big of a number? â€Å"If everyone in the world stood shoulder to shoulder, we could all fit within the city limits of Los Angeles†, (, n.d.), so then what is the big deal about the growingRead MorePersuasive Speech : Nuclear Energy Essay838 Words   |  4 PagesThe United States should drop fossil fuel power electricity and incorporate nuclear energy. Attention Step Attention Getter: Imagine a world filled with cold, darkness, and no security. Relevance Statement: Electricity is the heart of our current civilization. Without electricity we would regress into a feudal like stage which will slow down our evolution as a society Topic Disclosure: Today the primary source of fuel for the generation of electricity are fossil fuels such as coal, natural gasesRead MoreWhy Fossil Fuels Are Not Only Bad1111 Words   |  5 PagesWhy Fossil Fuels Are Not Only Bad, But Not Good Enough Coal, petroleum, natural gas. Together, they are the producers of approximately eighty percent of the world’s energy, and, according to the US Energy Information Administration, are predicted to remain as such throughout the early to-mid twenty-first century (EIA 6). Yet there are far more efficient fuels options than these, as the profound xkcd cartoon to the right suggests, and these options do not involve polluting the atmosphere, exacerbating

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Average Cost Of Tuition - 1684 Words

The average cost of tuition at a public four-year university has risen significantly more than inflation in the past forty years. With growing tuition rates and decreasing median household income a question arises of how new college graduates will pay their substantial student loans. While seventy percent of college students are forced to take out student loans there’s no question the majority of graduates will be paying for their education over a long period of their life. Student loan debt is also at an all time high in the United States, with a staggering $1.4 trillion dollars of debt solely for student loans. Current presidential candidates are campaigning to lower college tuition and student loan debt, while others are campaigning to offer free public community college and university education. These ideas are not free and they will cost the United States millions of dollars per year to fund. Higher education is a staple of what makes America so great, but if colleges and universities are charging too much the new generation of American citizens will not be able to afford getting the education they deserve. The cost of higher education in the United States needs to stop rising so much and be at an appropriate price where getting a college education is something that’s practical for every citizen. Student loan debt is currently at an all time high in the United States, 1.4 trillion American dollars is currently owed to the government and other financial aidShow MoreRelatedThe Average Cost Of Tuition1730 Words   |  7 PagesThe average cost of tuition is now higher than â€Å"the income of 99% of Americans† (Jasty). College education is the backbone of many different careers, and without it certain skill sets would be more inaccessible to the public, causing it to be an interference of learning. In more recent times however, quality of education isn’t the main focus for not only the student, or consumer, but attention is also fo cused on college football, basketball, hockey, and more. It’s worn on the jerseys of every strangerRead MoreIncreasing Tuition Rates Cause Students1131 Words   |  5 PagesIncreasing tuition rates cause students to borrow more money which will impact their financial future should they have difficulty obtain a job in their chosen career field. Tutition costs began their rise in 1970s but it wasn’t until the 1980s that government funding began to decline and the tuition rates began their steady climb regularly outstripping the median family income. (Ehrenberg) The average cost of tuition at a four year pubic institution increased from to $2,387 per year in 1975-1976Read MoreIs College Worth The Money?991 Words   |  4 Pagesthat driving up the cost of education is utterly unreasonable and outrageous in a society that expects young adults to earn a degree to be successful in life. College tuition is differed by the institution and type of institution that a student enrolls in. For example, tuition at a two year community college is significantly less than a four year university. In the 2012 – 2013 academic year, the average tuition at a public two year institution was about $8,928, while the tuition at a public four yearRead MoreRising College Tuition in America661 Words   |  3 PagesRising College Tuition in America â€Å"College Prices Soar Again!† â€Å"Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!† â€Å"Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable† These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single sourceRead MoreCollege Tuition Should Not Be Paid960 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to MyBudget360, college tuition has skyrocketed over four hundred percent since 1984. Now, the average tuition rate for private universities in America is over $31,000 and over $9,000 for public universities. Not only that, but thirty-seven million Americans have outstanding student debt and thirty-seven percent of college students look for a job requiring no higher than a high school diploma AFTER they gradua te. Tuition has tripled, graduates have outstanding student debt, and in additionRead MoreThe Cost Of College Tuition1541 Words   |  7 PagesThe cost of college tuition is increasing exponentially ever year. Students have to pay for a number of things besides the tuition for inference books, dorms, fees, tutor, etc on top of their everyday living expenses. At this rate college tuition will be far beyond the reach for the average person. The inflation raises numerous of questions. If the recession is not getting better why do schools continue to increase tuition? What can be done so that the college tuition won’t be so far out of reachRead MoreCost Of Higher Learning At College1491 Words   |  6 PagesCost of Higher Learning In order to have a better life and a better job today, a high school degree is usually not enough. Many people dream about having a college degree, but the costs of education being too high, could turn those dreams into a nightmare. It is no secret that a college education is expensive, and in the past few years, it has hit an all-time high with no signs of slowing down. The average college tuition cost in America universities and colleges continues to rise yearly. Many studentsRead MoreEstablishing Equality By Lowering The Cost Of College Tuition1615 Words   |  7 PagesEstablishing equality by lowering the cost of college tuition My research question was stimulated by â€Å"The Life of Peasants† from Life on a Medieval Barony and A Letter to my Nephew by James Baldwin. Throughout both articles equality and the idea of class systems are discussed thoroughly. James Baldwin talked about integration as meaning â€Å"we with love shall force our brothers to see themselves as they are, to cease fleeing from reality and begin the change it, for this is your home† (Baldwin). BaldwinRead MoreWhy College Tuition in America Should Be Lowered1496 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Why College Tuition Should be Lowered By Sarah Claymiller What could you do with $14,000? Well, you could buy 4,000 Whoppers with that money. You could also buy 35 IPads, and 4 80 inch flat screen TVs. Or, instead of those things, you could buy yourself one year’s worth of college tuition. Does it seem a little unusual that only one year of tuition costs that much? It might be if you live outside of America; the United States is one of the biggest spenders on secondary education compared to otherRead MoreObtaining A College Degree Is Essential For Getting A Good Job1547 Words   |  7 Pagesclear majority of Americans believing that having such an education is essential, discussion pertaining to the legitimacy of its cost is necessary. On average, public postsecondary school tuitions are rising over twice as fast as inflation, and private postsecondary school tuitions are rising over two and a half times as fast as inflation (Lorin). Even the associated costs of colleges are rising, such as room and board and collegiate texts. Accor ding to Allie Bidwell, the last decade has seen textbook

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Betrayal in oliver twist free essay sample

trayal in the novel Oliver Twist is a very common and important theme throughout the story. Betrayal changes the outcome in the story a lot, because it affects many of the characters. There are many ongoing themes, Betrayal being the major issue. In Oliver Twist there are many betrayals, but the person who has been betrayed the most is the main character himself. Oliver had been betrayed since a young age by pretty much everyone he had known. Mr bumble betrayed Oliver because he was the parish beadle and was supposed to take care of him and put him into a caring house hold but instead hurt him and treated him harshly. Nancy betrayed Oliver by taking him from the streets, where he was safe, back to Fagins gang again. Mr Sowerberry and Mrs Sowerberry were nice enough to take Oliver into their household and as an apprentice, but in the end they also betrayed him. We will write a custom essay sample on Betrayal in oliver twist or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mrs Sowerberry was always cold towards Oliver, because she was jealous of the close relationship him and her husband had. Mr Sowerberry was really close with Oliver, but after Noah antagonised Oliver and Oliver attacked Noah, Mr Sowerberry did not take any second thought to beat Oliver up. Basically everyone he had known from birth, had betrayed him in all different ways. The theme betrayal had affected the plot very majorly. If Oliver wasnt betrayed by the other characters, he wouldnt have to keep running away. Oliver would keep running away from all the people who betrayed him, which ended him up in England, so he could start a better life. When Jack Dawkins saw Oliver in the streets in London, he basically betrayed Oliver by introducing him to Fagin and his gang, because he knew what he was getting Oliver into, he knew it would only be trouble. So if betrayal wasnt apart of the story, the plot would be different. There are many themes that can be related to betrayal in the story. Some of these themes could be unloyality, loneliness and friendships. Unloyality is a theme that is shown often because when you betray someone you are being unloyal and untruthful. Loneliness is shown when you are the victim of a betrayal. Friendships are majorly linked to betrayal, because some are broken and some are sacrificed. The theme of betrayal is shown throughout the whole book, it is the main theme and affects the plot of the story majorly. Without that theme, the story would have a complete different turn to it. In conclusion, Betrayal is one of the biggest themes in the old classic Oliver Twist. Without Betrayal,  the adventure of Oliver Twist would be much less complicated and less interesting.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Brighton Rock Essay Research Paper Brighton Rock free essay sample

Brighton Rock Essay, Research Paper Brighton Rock # 8211 ; Graham Greene Brighton Rock is a spiritual narrative which begins as a conflict between good ( Ida Arnold ) and evil ( Pinkie ) . This conflict takes topographic point in a resort country South of London called Brighton. Brighton contains all sorts of eating houses, amusements, slums, and higher category countries. One illustration of these slums is Nelson Place ; where Pinkie and his later on to be married woman Rose are from. Nelson Place in my sentiment is what influences Little finger to go a adult male of evil through his tragic young person. Where Little finger grows up under the influence of two atrocious parents, a destitute vicinity, and as a child who is willing to make anything for a better life. Another atrocious influence on Little finger is Mr. Colleoni ; a adult male with a concern imperium, control of his ain powerful rabble every bit good as the constabulary and other governmental governments, and stores in Brighton. This adult male has all that Pinkie wants, and this brings Pinkie to a life of offense and changeless person wickedness. Pinkie has in my sentiment been misguided by Mr. Colleoni # 8217 ; s imperium, and that is why he is merely an evil male child who thinks that holding a life style like Mr. Colleoni will convey him happiness. Pinkie is besides unsighted to the felicity that the descent people like Rose and Ida have because of his ill-conceived life. Pinkie # 8217 ; s evil desire is what causes him to make whatever it takes to acquire this life manner. As shown by his uncontrolled violent death of people such as Hale, and Spicer. Ida Arnold, a individual who thinks of herself as an retaliator every bit good as a savior for the people affected by Pinkie # 8217 ; s evil now comes in to the narrative. Although Ida does non hold complete religion in God ; she has a good bosom. This is why she feels the demand to declare her semi-covert conflict against Pinkie non merely to revenge Hales # 8217 ; slaying, but to deliver all the people who have non yet been affected like Hale, and Spicer from Pinkie # 8217 ; s desire. I besides feel that Ida must hold had a better life as a young person in comparing to Pinkie and that is why there appears to be no understanding from Ida towards Pinkie. Ida besides seems to endure from a sort of sarcasm though ; because when she might have unwittingly been able to salvage Hales life by non go forthing him she went to # 8220 ; wash up and repair her face. # 8221 ; When she came back though he was gone and she neer saw him once more until the funeral. Later in the narrative this sarcasm represents itself agin when she was about to happen out critical informat ion from Cubitt affecting Hales slaying, yet she once more went to # 8220 ; wash up and repair her face, # 8221 ; and when she came back from the bathroom in the Cosmopolitan Cubitt was gone. During this conflict between Ida and Pinkie ( Good and Evil ) Rose a individual who appears to be a alone, guiltless, individual of religion is used as a shield by Pinkie. Rise is such a alone individual that she merely appears to be deceived by Little finger when he gets her to get married him so she can # 8217 ; t be used as a informant against him in tribunal. Yet later on we find out that she wasn # 8217 ; t that guiltless when she reveals to Pinkie in their flat that she new of his atrocious Acts of the Apostless, but married anyhow because she was so lonely, and merely wanted to be loved ( since she excessively came from a broken place like Little finger ) . Rose wants to be loved and hold some type of comrade so severely that she momently turns her back to her religion in God. Now she repeatedly tells Pinkie that he has acquired her religion when she discusses # 8220 ; being damned together. # 8221 ; Rose seems to believe in her religion to Pinkie now, merely as he besides seems to when he repeats invariably after run intoing her that # 8220 ; Rose completes me. # 8221 ; However Roses # 8217 ; religion is tested over and over by Ida who continuously antagonizes Rose about her immorality hubby. Roses # 8217 ; religion to her hubby Pinkie is on a regular basis tested by none other than her ain hubby when he shows that he doesn # 8217 ; t even experience love for by avoiding physical contact ( such as snoging her ) for every bit long as he can. Even the 3rd individual storyteller reveals to the reader at times that Pinkie does non love Rose by uncovering his inner ideas when he is near her. By the terminal of the narrative we can see that Roses # 8217 ; faith in Pinkie is eventually broken when he goes to far and asks her to perpetrate self-destruction. Rise a sort hearted adult female who may hold been able to disregard, or forgive the maltreatment she had received from Little finger, but this clip he went to far. What he asked her to make was perfectly inexcusable, and proved to her every bit good as the reader that he didn # 8217 ; t love her, and had merely been utilizing her all this clip. Therefore it truly wasn # 8217 ; t good that won over immorality, but religion that won over treachery. I say this because it wasn # 8217 ; t Ida who saved Rose from Pinkie ; but Ida saved herself from Little finger when she threw the gun off. Now Rose has besides turned around her once damned life by eventually traveling to confession in an effort to non merely accommodate with God about her error but besides with her ain scruples.