Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management as a Regulated Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management as a Regulated Profession - Essay Example The introduction of strict legislative texts, like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA, has been proved to be an initial measure for the limitation of fraud in modern organizations (Heier et al., 2005, p.39). In the internal organizational environment, the ability of a firm to prevent fraud is depended on the level of cooperation/ coordination among employees at different levels of the organizational hierarchy. Under these terms, the human resources systems used within a specific organization are considered to be crucial for the success of the organizational initiatives against fraud. It should be noted that the effects of internal fraud on business performance can be differentiated in accordance with the nature of business operations, the business structure and the aims/ objectives of each organization; different assumptions are made in the literature regarding the effects of internal fraud on organizational performance; different plans of action can be suggested for mitigating fraud in firms that operate in various industrial sectors. Greenlee et al. (2007) focus on the relationship between the internal fraud and the type of organizational structure – the emphasis is given on non-profit organizations where ‘the losses due to fraudulent activities can directly reduce resources available to address tax-exempt purposes’ (Greenlee eta, 2007, 676). On the other hand, Levi (2008) notes that the expansion of global crime has been rapid due to the increased ability of ‘would-be perpetrators to recognize and act on specific opportunities’ (Levi, 2008, p.389). From another point of view, the external organizational environment is likely to affect a firm’s ability to control crime – the specific view is supported by Tilley et al. (2008) who emphasize on the difficulty to control crime in organizations that operate in ‘high crime neighbourhoods’ (Tilley et al., 2008, 443).  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Trade Deficits and Weakening Dollars Essay Example for Free

Trade Deficits and Weakening Dollars Essay Economist Frank Shostak offers an unpopular view of the United States’ trade deficit and its effect on the country’s economy. The view is widely held that an increasing trade deficit ultimately leads to the unwillingness of other nationals to hold the American currency. The effect of such a development would be an ultimate decline in the United States’ dollar exchange rate. When United States nationals converts its dollars to that of another country, say the Japanese Yen, in order to procure their goods, this might be considered as the existence of a demand for Japanese money. This demand arises as a result of a demand for goods produced in Japan. If such demand is no reciprocated—that is, if this American demand for Japanese products is not answered by an equal demand by Japan for American products—then this could lead to a trade deficit. The important aspect of this trade deficit lies in the fact that the demand for American goods is not as great as American demand for foreign goods. On some level, money can be considered as a commodity—especially for the purposes of investment where interest becomes the price of money. When the demand for American money decreases, the price of money also decreases. Interest rates are an important part of economic growth as it denotes (in the most simplified sense) the worth of such strictly monetary transactions as investments, lending, savings, etc. It would appear that when the price of money decreases, the worth of money would also decrease, and this leads to a disparity between the worth of the U.S. currency and that of the Yen—in favor of the Yen. Shostak argues otherwise. Though he concedes that the trade deficit is related to the exchange rate of the U.S. currency, he does not consider the trade deficit to be the deciding factor of that exchange rate. Rather, he considers the deficit an unfortunate result of that decline in the exchange rate. The U.S. monetary policy is what he blames. He considers a wanton increase in the money supply as having precisely the same effect as counterfeiting. Below is a table showing the changes in money supply, interest rates, trade deficit and GDP between 1987 and 2005. Here it can be seen that a fall in GDP does occur in relation to a fall in interest rates. Though the decrease appears small, the comparison should not be exaggerated, as many fluctuations occurred in between the given time period. It does show an overall decrease in the net deficit, but this is shown as a percentage of GDP. The effect of one on the other is therefore not clear from this table. Money Supply (1987 = baseline) Interest Rates 1987 2005 1987 2005 100% 273% 6.5% 1% Net Deficit (as % of GDP) Gross Domestic Product 1987 2005 1987 2005 ~8% 6.3% ~3.4% ~3.3%   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Naito, Norrington Yamaguchi; Elwell, 8). However, according to Shostak, when the U.S. money supply increases in relation to that of another country (say Japan), yet all else remains the same, the amount of money competing for essentially the same amount of output rises. This scenario mimics a rise in demand, which leads to a rise in prices according to the price elasticity theory of demand. When this occurs, the comparison between the prices of two similar products in the United States and Japan yields an elevated price in U.S. dollars and therefore a deflated U.S. currency. This comes from the principle of purchasing power parity. However, it might be argued that the fall in the U.S. exchange rate could have the effect of reducing the trade deficit when the amount becomes expressed in terms of other nations’ currencies. The final analysis is that Shostak’s theory appears convincing especially in light of the rise in the U.S. monetary supply that seems to exceed GDP growth (see table) and the current weakening of U.S. dollar on the global market. The U.S. exchange rate in comparison with the Eurodollar fell 40% between 2001 and 2004 (Evans, 2). Works Cited Elwell, Craig K. The U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Consequences, and Cures. Congressional   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Research Services, 2006. Evans, Edward A. Understanding Exchange Rates: A Weakening U.S. Dollar—Good, Bad, or    Indifferent for Florida Farmers and Agrobusinesses? Gainesville: University of Florida   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   IFAS. 2005 Naito, Yuki, Robert C. Norrington, Keiko Yamaguchi. â€Å"The United States.† A Multi-country   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Evaluation of Trade Imbalances. Ed. Steven Suranovic. Washington DC: George   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Washington Universtiy. 1999. Shostak, Frank. â€Å"Does the widening U.S. trade deficit pose a threat to the economy?† The Daily   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reckoning. 2006

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Change Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I stepped on to that British Airways flight to London, England I didn't know this would turn out to be one on the most changing experiences of my life. It started like this after playing a soccer match with some friends at a local school, we began to look forward to what we were going to do tonight. So after we got home and took a bath, we called up a few friends and the plan for the night was chalked out, as we would go to some clubs and other night spots London is often associated with. Then after confirming were we were going to meet up, we got dressed up, and left to where we could catch a bus, which would take us to the train station, to meet the others. After we met up and boarded the train some people from the group started to talk ... Change Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I stepped on to that British Airways flight to London, England I didn't know this would turn out to be one on the most changing experiences of my life. It started like this after playing a soccer match with some friends at a local school, we began to look forward to what we were going to do tonight. So after we got home and took a bath, we called up a few friends and the plan for the night was chalked out, as we would go to some clubs and other night spots London is often associated with. Then after confirming were we were going to meet up, we got dressed up, and left to where we could catch a bus, which would take us to the train station, to meet the others. After we met up and boarded the train some people from the group started to talk ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Humorous Wedding Speech - Written Guidelines from the Bride

Humorous Wedding Speech - Written Guidelines from the Bride Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - I must inform you that I’ve had quite a heavy night and I’m still feeling a little fragile. So please spare a thought and try not to clap too loudly during my speech because I’ve got a dreadful hangover and a splitting headache. You’d think I’d know better than to be out drinking in the early hours of the morning the night before a big wedding - but David’s a good friend (mate) and he needed some company. Now, I'm sure a number of the guys here today have been a best man at a wedding before, but I wonder how many of you have ever received written guidelines from the bride to be? Before I go any further, I'd like to explain that two weeks ago I received this email from Phylis: I was very pleased when David asked you to be best man at our wedding. I knew that by selecting you, he ha...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Hinduism and Bhuddism Essay

​Being dedicated is what it takes for these two religions Hinduism and Buddhism. They are considered a way of life for some people. They are two of the most influential and practiced religions in the world today. Millions of people partake in these historical religions. Hinduism dates back to 1500 B.C. Buddhism developed a little while after Hinduism. They both derived in the very rooted country India. Hinduism and Bhuddism have many similarities and differences. ​Hinduism and Buddhism are very similar in many aspects. Both religions goal is to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment means wisdom. In Hinduism it is described as moksha. In Buddhism it is described as Nirvana. In both religions they try and reach this state of perfect understanding. In both religions reaching this state of perfect understanding involves reincarnation. Reincarnation is known as rebirth. It is when an individual soul is born again and again until enlightenment is achieved. These two religions may be similar when it comes to their goal but they do have many differences that make the two separate religions. ​Hinduism and Bhuddism have huge differences. Both religions’ founder and origins are different. In Hinduism is a collection of religious beliefs. It is the result of cultural diffusion. Because of that Hinduism has no founder. Non-Aryan and Aryan beliefs intertwined and developed into one religion. There are thousands of gods in this engaging religion. Unlike Hinduism in Buddhism there is a founder. Interestingly Bhuddism derived from the same period as Hinduism. Bhuddism is the result of religious questioning. Siddhartha Gautman aka Buddha is the founder of Bhuddism. He went on a quest to seek religious truth and an end to religious suffering. From then on he was called the enlightened one and Bhuddism was developed out of his discoveries and philosophy. ​In conclusion, Hinduism and Bhuddism have many things they make them different and alike. Hinduism and Bhuddism are what shaped people’s beliefs and understandings in that time period. These are the two religions that developed in the Vedic age. Currently almost 1/5th of the world today practiced these two religions. They are two very respected beliefs still being applied to lives today.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Susan B. Anthony Essays

Susan B. Anthony Essays Susan B. Anthony Essay Susan B. Anthony Essay Susan B. Anthony was born on 15th February 1820 to Lucy Read and Daniel Anthony. She was born in a Quaker family and brought up in West Grove, near Adam, Massachusetts as a second born in a family of seven siblings. Her father, Daniel Anthony, was a stern and open minded cotton manufacturer well known for his abolitionist character. Susan borrowed most of her characters and aspirations from her parents. Her mother, Lucy Read, once attended the Rochester Women’s convention in 1848 and signed the convention’s Declaration of sentiments. Susann’s parents enforced their children to have self discipline, principled conviction and have a strong sense of self worth. Susan B. Anthony was a very intelligent child, having learned how to read and write at a very young age of three. Her family moved to Battenville, New York when she was six years old. Her teacher refused to teach her long division because she was female. Upon this realization, her father placed Susan in a group home school and became their teacher. At the age of seventeen, her family moved to Hardscrabble where she took a teaching job to enable her pay off her father’s debts. The panic of 1837 and the economic depression that followed had ruined their family financially forcing his father to lose almost all their possessions. Susan Anthony ended her formal studies during this year because of the resultant financial difficulties in her family. Her first teaching job was at Eunice Kenyon’s Friends’ Seminary and later at Canajoharie Academy where she became the headmistress of the female department. Her teaching occupation furthered her will to fight for women. As a female teacher, she fought for wages equivalent to those of her male counterparts who were earning four times more than females for the same duties. She quit her teaching job at the age of twenty nine and moved to their family farm in Rochester, New York. It was in Rochester that Susan B. Anthony started to attend conventions and gatherings prepared by the temperance movement. (Mobley 55) She also started to attend the local Unitarian Church and at the same time began to detach herself from her Quakers’ origin. She would later cite her reason for distancing herself from the Quakers as the hypocritical use of alcohol by some of the Quaker preachers. She would eventually continue to distance herself from organized religion in general. The young Susan B. Anthony was extremely self conscious of how she looked and spoke. Though she would later become an eloquent and influential public speaker, she resisted to speak in public for fear that she would not be eloquent enough. (Patriot 11) Social activism As indicated earlier, Susan B. Anthony borrowed a leaf from her parents but took her activism to an extra level. At a tender age of sixteen, she took two petition boxes opposing slavery in response to a ‘gag rule’ against such petitions in the House of Representatives. Her activism started ‘officially’ when she became the secretary for the activists’ group Daughters of Temperance. Daughters of Temperance gave Susan Anthony for the first time a forum to speak about the ills of abusing alcohol. Her position as a secretary for the Daughter of Temperance could rightfully be said to be her initiation to the public limelight. (Blackwell 101)

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Conjugate the French Verb Accéder (to Reach)

How to Conjugate the French Verb Accà ©der (to Reach) When you want to say to reach or to accede in French, you will use the verb  accà ©der. As with all verbs, it needs to be conjugated to fit the meaning of the sentence. Its a rather simple conjugation, but there are a few things you need to watch out for. Conjugations for the French Verb  Accà ©der Just as we do in English with the endings -ed and -ing, its necessary to conjugate French verbs. By changing the words ending, the verb will match the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. By using these charts, you can quickly learn the conjugations for the various forms of  accà ©der. For instance, to say I reach or I attain in French, you will say jaccà ©de. You will notice that  accà ©der  has two options for the future tense and conditional forms. This is because stem-changing verbs  that end in  Ãƒ ©_er  have an optional change. You can use either of the E accents - grave à ¨ or acute à © - in these conjugations. Subject Present Future Imperfect j accde accderaiaccderai accdais tu accdes accderasaccderas accdais il accde accderaaccdera accdait nous accdons accderonsaccderons accdions vous accdez accderezaccderez accdiez ils accdent accderontaccderont accdaient The Present Participle of  Accà ©der The  present participle  for accà ©der is accà ©dant. The -ant  ending is used in a similar manner to the English -ing. This form can be used as a verb, but also works as an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed. The Passà © Composà © of  Accà ©der Besides the imperfect past tense, you can also use the  passà © composà ©Ã‚  form of  accà ©der. This is actually quite common in French and youll find it easier than remembering all of the imperfect conjugations. To use the passà © composà ©, you will need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb, which in this case is  avoir. You will also need  accà ©ders  past participle  of  accà ©dà ©. These elements come together to cover any number of subjects. For instance, for I reached, you will simply say jai accà ©dà ©. When you want to say we attained, it is nous avons accà ©dà ©. The  ai  and  avons  are the conjugations for  avoir. More Conjugations for  Accà ©der You may not use all of the following conjugations in your French, but as you learn more they may become useful. The subjunctive form refers to a mood and implies that the verb is subjective or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb mood applies when the action may or may not happen. It is dependent on conditions. Both the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive are mostly found in formal French writing. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j accde accderaisaccderais accdai accdasse tu accdes accderaisaccderais accdas accdasses il accde accderaitaccderait accda accdt nous accdons accderionsaccderions accdmes accdassions vous accdez accderiezaccderiez accdtes accdassiez ils accdent accderaientaccderaient accdrent accdassent Another useful conjugation for  accà ©der  is the imperative, which is used for direct commands and requests. For this form, you can skip the subject pronoun as that is implied with the verb form. For instance, instead of saying  vous accà ©dez, you can simply say accà ©dez. Imperative (tu) accde (nous) accdons (vous) accdez

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Computer Science Diploma Thesis

Computer Science Diploma Thesis The diploma computer science thesis is meant to demonstrate the ability to work on your own with methods of computer science in the scope of a larger project. Read more about computer science diploma thesis. If you need a diploma thesis on a similar topic and dont have time to write one by yourself feel free to contact our writing service team. The computer science diploma thesis is meant to demonstrate the ability to work on your own with methods of computer science in the scope of a larger project. In practical computer science, it is often done in the form of an extension of a larger software system, for example in the context of research done at the institute. In this case, it is compromised by an implementation and a written formulation of the theoretical basics. HOW TO WRITE A THESIS PAPER A detailed discussion of the computer science problem and an analysis of used computer science methods is at least as important as the analysis of the application field, although the diploma thesis is concerned with practical issues. Training Period and Definition of the Setting of the Task Depending on the previous knowledge of the graduand, the actual diploma work starts with a training period, in which the following must be done: Familiarizing with the literature on the chosen topic Familiarizing with the system environment, in which the implementation takes place Narrowing down the subject The result of this phase should be a short description that precisely defines the exact setting of the task and specific goals. Ideally, this description should already include a comparative presentation of possible solutions considering the literature, a short description of the chosen solution, and a working schedule. This procedure is supposed to avoid problems in understanding when defining the diploma thesis and serious false estimations in an expenditure of work and with these overdrawn working periods for diploma theses. Therefore, it is also true for external diploma theses, at which the institute is the second expert. Working on the Diploma Thesis The computer science  thesis should include the following items: Title Page Abstract (one page at most) Table of Contents Table of figures and table of tables if applicable Table of abbreviations (consists of all used abbreviations and symbols) Appendix if necessary Bibliography Declaration of independent work (signed), e.g.: With this, I declare that I have written this paper on my own, distinguished citations, and used no other than the named sources and aids. In the actual diploma thesis, the work will be done according to the working schedule. This means that first of all the chosen solution will be worked out in detail. Then, the system will be implemented. After that, the evaluating analysis and documentation follow. Finally, the results will be worked out in a written form. HOW TO WRITE A THESIS STATEMENT When grading the work, the quality of the implementation and formulation is as important as independent work in narrowing down the subject, literature research, and finding the solution. It is also important to critically evaluate the design alternatives from the point of view of computer science and the application field (this includes later self-criticism of the chosen alternative). For a practical work, the written formulation should include the following items: Introduction Introduction to the topic of the computer science  diploma thesis   Narrowing down the task   Answers to the questions: Why is the computer science thesis useful? What is the goal of the work? Determination and discussion of the starting point   What methods/techniques are already developed in this research area (literature research)?   Which conditions (for implementation: hardware and software among others) exist? Development of a (formal) solution model   Critical evaluation of the literature: What can be used?   Starting from the previous item, a concept for solving the task has to be developed   Justification of the solution concept: Comparision to alternatives!   This section must not include implementation details. Implementation of a  solution concept   Selection of tools (e.g. programming language)   Documentation of important design decisions   Critical evaluation of the implementation (test runs with measured run times, case study if possible, gaps in the implementation, future addition) Conclusion   Summary: What are the important results?   Future work: What can/must be done? The formulation is not supposed to be a documentation of the developed programs. It is intended to show the ability to work with or develop methods of computer science independently. Used results out of the literature have to be marked thoroughly to separate them from the own work. Programming language expressions like if a=b then s1 must be separated from common speech and other notations (like mathematical expressions) to avoid misunderstanding. If you need assistance with thesis writing, feel free to contact us or place an order and we will gladly help you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Interior Monologue of Gregorio Samsa from Franz Kafka's novel, The Essay

The Interior Monologue of Gregorio Samsa from Franz Kafka's novel, The Metamorphosis - Essay Example However, I know believe that many people in the town played a significant role â€Å" OOH, why are so many people, including my parents and family living a life of want, why does the society appear to create economic divisions, I have never really had money. I have to always meet the monetary needs of family members, who I did not sire in the first place, Could it be that past events are against my success and growth as a person. How could I ever know, now that I am insect with no brain or intellectual power? I despise my family and wish that I had a different father. How could they have abandoned me after turning into an insect? Their attitude is reminiscent of crushing a moth once it outlives its usefulness; I am so tired of them Once again, my mind cannot get rid of the thought that my family abandoned me after transforming into an insect. I think I have to accept the seclusion in order to move forward. Why have they locked me in a room alone? Is it possible that they are now a shamed of me? Of course, I have no hope, I am lost, If my family can attack me for showing up in a public event, what else are they capable of doing. I firmly believe that my family no longer find me useful because of the transformation. I pity the hopelessness, shame and mixed feelings felt by people like me. Their lives are empty, empty, empty. Nothing good can be deduced from it. Many people, especially, all insects live empty lives with no contribution to the society. Why should I worry? My loneliness applies to all insects and many people in the society, again, why should I worry? I believe that abandonment is a representation of people or insects who were discriminated against because of their ethnic backgrounds. Regardless of my loneliness, I have to keep to myself. I cannot stand my pretentious family and their greed. Why don’t they value me like they did before? I have to distance

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mary Cassatt the Notable American Artist Assignment

Mary Cassatt the Notable American Artist - Assignment Example The paper "Mary Cassatt the Notable American Artist" analyzes the artworks of Mary Cassatt. The image in Figure 1 is Cassatt’s painting of her Miss Mary Ellison and in the image she demonstrates the use of color to bring out the calm mood of a strong woman. According to the National Art Gallery, Degas also introduced Cassatt in the asymmetrical styles employed by Japanese artists and the use of bright colors. The use of bright colors according to Web Museum demonstrated a mood of gentleness that served to brighten by her constant use of the â€Å"golden lighting.† These aspects worked in harmony with the family and children which was the dominant theme in most of her works as demonstrated in figure 2. Cassatt was always a quick learner who learnt the basics about a particular style in art and instead of reproducing the same pieces; she would always ensure that she employed her innovativeness to come up with impressive masterpieces. The best example is her portrayal of t he techniques she learnt from Japanese art for instance asymmetry and wood block print. She was able to mould these techniques in such a way that they fit so perfectly within her own impressionsim themes. I look at one of the works of Cassatt, â€Å"The Little Girl in Blue Armchair† in order to relate it with its historical context, to establish the impact it had during the historical context, and the importance of the piece in contemporary art. The painting of the Little Girl in Blue Armchair was done in 1878 and it painted in an oil canvas.

Nestle Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nestle - Coursework Example A law was passed that ensures every piece of meat or poultry bared the inspected for wholesomeness by U.S. Department of Agriculture stamp. The following claims made Nestle drew a conclusion that the government responding fast in protecting the lives of people from harmful bacteria. Moreover, bearing the fact that humans are on the top of the food chain they are prone to many dangers associated with food poisoning (Nestle 11-30). On the other hand, the government has not exhausted its operations in ensuring protection of feed supply to animals bearing in mind that they are what people eat. Cattle and chicken feed on plant-based products that might contain harmful materials and are transferred to people’s bodies in the food chain. In addition, these animals are given drugs that question the safety of the food we eat. Even with an effort of the federal government to call upon the inspection of animal feed producers, federal food safety agencies have failed in maintaining these regulations. How can we be sure of what we eat if the government does not protect our health? Nestle ideas are more convincing because they make people aware of dangers they expose themselves to while consuming meat, poultry and fish especially where the source is not known. The omnivore’s delusion is also another problem pointed out by Nestle in relation to what animals and poultry eat. Nestle calls for people to adopt crop farming because it increases nitrogen concentration in the air and acts as a good source of food. When more people turn into crop production, prices of food in the market decreases and farmers struggle at producing the best quality products. Farmers also get advices on various ways to raise food depending on the market demands. Crop production in a preferable manner increases food safety especially when farmers use accepted chemicals. In addition, crops especially beans act as alternative sources of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Merchandising Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Merchandising Analysis Report - Essay Example Proper merchandising can lead to selling of quality products by the employees to the customers along with facilitating them to deliver better customer service (Jackson & Shaw, 2000). Poor merchandising on the part of an organisation can make it quite tough for the sales staff in a retail store to sell products to the customers, which would effect on the productivity and the profitability of the stores by a greater extent. By incorporating well-prepared merchandising initiatives, it is possible to convert potential consumers into real consumers of a company. The process of merchandising provides a competitive advantage to a company which can further be significant in ensuring its success or failure as retail business outlets in a sector such as fashion based designer products (Queensland Government, n.d.). Fashion merchandising entails an amalgamation of different procedures which a fresh fashion product is required to go through to be accessible in sufficient quantities to the customer after it is prepared by the designer. Fashion merchandising encompasses various pertinent aspects such as target market and price. A key constituent of fashion merchandising is observed to be selling (Frings, 2002). The process of cross selling evolves when customers purchase one of the two products of a company. Through the process it is also possible to recognize the customers’ who are purchasing a single product out of the two products which also results in reduction of total campaigning costs, enhancement in response rates along with facilitating to provide concentrated efforts to increase sales. The consequences of cross selling campaigns include the identification of similarities in a range of products and recognising or estimating the previous as well as future trends of selling (MicroStrategy Inc., 2013). Offering discounts is also one of the merchandising strategies to attract shoppers to arrive at the stores, which

Personal Statement for MSc Investment & Wealth Management [Imperial

For MSc Investment & Wealth Management [Imperial College London] - Personal Statement Example This company also increased my knowledge in insurance and financial services including wealth or asset management, and at this point, I realized I was in a wrong course. My love and passion for things to do with finance, banking, insurance and asset or wealth management increased. It was until recently when I went back to work again with HSBC under internship program that I then realized that I needed to pursue a career in a field that relates finance and assets as I mostly used to deal with loaning sector when the loan was based majorly on assets and the collateral. After a thorough search and consultation, I landed on the Msc. Program in Investment and Wealth Management to be the best course for me as it encompasses all my recent work experiences. My positions of past responsibilities include being a student trainee at the AIA International Limited. Here, my achievement included learning various insurance products and services as well as taking part in a group project to expose me to being a good team player. I also held the position of a student trainee at the HSBC Commercial Bank where I achieved experience from a day to day operation and the experience of working under an assigned manager. Ive also held the position of a quality control engineer assistant at the KeyStone Electric Wire and Cable Limited. Here, I was responsible for filing, lodging and inputting the cable testing data and documents. I also was responsible for multi-tasking, weight and size calculations of various wires and cables as I also assisted in writing cable specification reports. Lastly, I have also held the position of an assistant technician at Chung Sing Taxi Limited at the maintenance department. Here, my responsibilities included examining and i dentifying problems in the taxis as well as performing maintenance and repairs. All these positions held, and responsibilities have molded me to being one person who is focused, experienced

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Merchandising Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Merchandising Analysis Report - Essay Example Proper merchandising can lead to selling of quality products by the employees to the customers along with facilitating them to deliver better customer service (Jackson & Shaw, 2000). Poor merchandising on the part of an organisation can make it quite tough for the sales staff in a retail store to sell products to the customers, which would effect on the productivity and the profitability of the stores by a greater extent. By incorporating well-prepared merchandising initiatives, it is possible to convert potential consumers into real consumers of a company. The process of merchandising provides a competitive advantage to a company which can further be significant in ensuring its success or failure as retail business outlets in a sector such as fashion based designer products (Queensland Government, n.d.). Fashion merchandising entails an amalgamation of different procedures which a fresh fashion product is required to go through to be accessible in sufficient quantities to the customer after it is prepared by the designer. Fashion merchandising encompasses various pertinent aspects such as target market and price. A key constituent of fashion merchandising is observed to be selling (Frings, 2002). The process of cross selling evolves when customers purchase one of the two products of a company. Through the process it is also possible to recognize the customers’ who are purchasing a single product out of the two products which also results in reduction of total campaigning costs, enhancement in response rates along with facilitating to provide concentrated efforts to increase sales. The consequences of cross selling campaigns include the identification of similarities in a range of products and recognising or estimating the previous as well as future trends of selling (MicroStrategy Inc., 2013). Offering discounts is also one of the merchandising strategies to attract shoppers to arrive at the stores, which

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Women and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women and Leadership - Essay Example Women were first hindered by rules that made them under the shadows for years. Women were blocked by laws passed by the government that is why they cannot move smoothly in the society especially in the government posts (Eagly and Carli 3). However, this problem was given some actions through changing some laws but another problem evolved, the glass ceiling. This problem was long been a challenge to women in the workplace. Women were allowed to take posts however, they were not allowed to acquire higher posts (4). However, as the society moves toward modernity, the barriers against women also moved forward that concrete wall and glass ceiling were no longer the main problems but only parts of the bigger picture. Women now face the so-called â€Å"labyrinth† wherein the barriers are vague but there. These kinds of problems are collective and have higher effect on women’s improvement because the problems have chain reaction (Eagly and Carli 6). Women can now attain higher posts but the path to be taken is harder compared to men. Women are faced with more difficult standard than men because employers consider other factors compared to men who are applying for higher posts (8). These are the reasons why women take longer time to attain higher posts compared to men both in the workplace and in the government. The hindrances against women on acquiring leaderships still exist however, more research that disproves the high difference between men and women leadership characteristics are coming out. According to Eagly and Carli (47), the differences that people claim about the differences between men and women are just a show for hindering women in attaining higher positions. Eagly and Carli believe that women and men have only slight leadership skill differences and women are much capable of handling heavy positions in the society. On the other hand, Wilson (n.p.) strongly believes that women lead differently compared to men. Wilson’s book,

Benefits of Enlisting in the Armed Forces Essay Example for Free

Benefits of Enlisting in the Armed Forces Essay Introduction A scrutiny of the history of mankind, down the ages covering a period of 4000 years beginning from 3500BC till today indicates that in almost all the cases, the course of events have been dictated by the military prowess and the consequent superiority of one of the contenders. The fact continues to hold true even today, in this age of modernization when the emphasis is on economic power and political stability. The vital aspect of safeguarding these national interests is dependent upon one crucial factor: ‘Armed Forces’. A career in the Armed Forces may be considered to be one of the oldest professions in the history of mankind (the other being prostitution), and it may have an important role to play in safeguarding national interests, but it is also one of the most forgotten and maligned of career choices. For in times of peace and enduring prosperity, the general propensity of people is to look down upon this profession and all related aspects. It is considered to be the last refuge of scoundrels and the failed cases in society-definitely not a job to take if one has other options. But is this reputation really based on facts? Are conditions in the Armed Forces so bad today that it is anathema to even contemplate enlisting in the Armed Forces? Why do educational institutions and our society at large not promote the idea of their students/youngsters enlisting in the Armed Forces with a sense of pride and honor? Why does the present generation not consider enlisting in the Armed Forces as a worthwhile option? Critics (and there are many) point out that enlisting in the Armed Forces implies an unstated but real risk of life, separation from family for extended periods, frequent moves at short notices , poor work conditions and lower pay. This argument is taking a rather biased and short sighted view of the issue, and it does not do justice to either the interests of the country and the people whom the argument attempts to dissuade. Thesis Statement My endeavor during the course of this essay is to illustrate the benefits of enlisting in the Armed Forces. I am of the opinion that the benefits of enlisting outstrip the disadvantages by a wide margin and overall, it is just as good or better; an employment option as any that is available to the new generation. The scope of this thesis in terms of the people covered is holistic in nature: applicable to the entire scale of economic, racial, religious, gender and educational scale. Social Benefits During the ancient times, people enlisted for monetary and other purposes with the sole aim of garnering the spoils of war by way of loot, women, slaves and resources of the vanquished. At various stages in history, it has been repeatedly proved that other concerns like race, national pride and religion have also been a major motivating factor. The last known war entirely based on religious affinities terminated with the victory of the Crusaders over the Jihadis in 1453 A. D. at Constantinople (Turkey). Upward Social Mobility Enlisting in the Armed Forces opens up a whole new world of opportunities for a person irrespective of whether he joins as an officer or as a GI/soldier. This immediately catapults him from his humble origins to a society much more privileged, acknowledged and recognized as one. The change in social status leads to a subtle refinement in the person, his family and his circle of associates. Consequently, it brings about a change in the perception and quality of life for him as his options in everyday life are less weighed down by the mundane issues that he would have been otherwise negotiating. Culture Culturally, there is a huge leap due to the extensive interaction with people from diverse backgrounds and states. This introduces him to the positive and the negative aspects of life in other cultures both within and outside the country. Presuming that the individual has the sense of purpose and ability to discriminate between good and bad (with few exceptions, most posses this quality in abundance), this exposure introduces in him a better understanding of customs and awareness of other cultures. He can then subconsciously or by design incorporate the good aspects in to his way of life, thereby becoming a better citizen and an effective soldier. It must be appreciated that a person hailing from a remote, under-developed and relatively backward area has a proportionately less chance of making it big in the world. With time, he settles down to a job in the same place or at best moves within his state or county for a steady but not necessarily well paid job. It may not lead to much, but it provides him with basic economic security. Personality Development The tough training, regimental life and high emphasis on discipline permeates the very core and essence of the individual and transforms him from a happy go-lucky, take life as it comes type of youngster into a conscientious, well mannered and disciplined citizen of the future. He is now capable of looking after his own interests in life and takes the decisions best suited to his requirements and a secure future. The training imparts to his personality a combined sense of discipline, mental robustness, endurance and physical sturdiness which is generally lacking in other competitors his age and experience in life. The training and culture within the Armed Forces lays a great deal of emphasis on development of moral values and personal integrity. This development of acquired skills leads to a multi-faceted and versatile individual who would be an asset to any organization he joins. The refined mannerism, positive attitude and basic skills make him an automatic candidate of choice for prospective employers in the future. Pride, Prestige, Honor and Duty In the prevailing national environment, it has been the experience that the prospects of enlisting in the armed Forces are not considered to be a worthwhile option. Whatever be the reason, it must also be emphasized that in the rural countryside and deep interiors of the country, there still exist communities and villages which take great pride in sending their young ones to the Armed Forces. Then there exist certain demographic and regional specific patterns wherein the propensity towards enlisting in the Armed Forces is higher (Mavor 41-3) It is taken as a matter of pride and prestige by both: the family of the individual and the individual himself; as an act of repaying the nation for all it has bestowed them with and also as a matter of tradition. But the idea is a non starter and gradually starts loosing steam as we progress from the rural courtsides and deep interiors towards the cities and the power centers. Purely from a moral ground, it should be the duty of each citizen to do his time in the Armed Forces and contribute to the national effort. After all if democracy bestows certain unquestioned rights, then it also imposes certain unstated obligations. It must be kept in mind that, ‘there is no such thing as a free lunch’. Similarly, it is inappropriate to assume that one can proceed to enjoy the benefits of democracy for free without bothering to fulfill our own obligations to the nation. Every right has a corresponding duty and this is no exception; we cannot leave the nation’s requirement of manpower to just the people from the interiors, highlands and the so called lower classes alone. This burden has to be shared by all of us who swear by democracy and the nation. Economic Benefits When speaking about the Armed Forces, the general refrain is that it is not a well paying job, and that the connected hardships of separation from family for extended periods, the frequent moves on duty at short notice, and the attendant risks to life and health is not worth it. In the subsequent paragraphs, I will examine the merits and demerits of this presumption on a factual basis. Job Security What would be the prospects of a person in his native hometown of landing a job consistent to his qualification? What are the chances that he retains his job in the event of some constraining circumstances either to the person or to the employer? The answers to these questions are obvious. Whereas, in the case of the person employed in the Armed Forces, there is an assured degree of job security that is unmatched in any other form of employment. The individual has to do something really drastic or be highly incompetent to be considered unfit for retention. The chances of retrenchment are virtually non-existent. On The Job Training(OJT) Until the end of World War II, the aspect of enlisting was more or less considered as the beginning of the military career. However, with the modernization of weapons and delivery systems, the process of refining the enlisted personnel in to a trained and efficient operator has to be taken up in earnest and hence the need of putting the person through rigorous specialized training schedule(Buck 204-6). The Armed Forces provide training relevant to the aspect of specialization specific to the individual’s branch before formal induction in to the respective arm or service. There are approximately 360 specialist jobs in the US Army alone of which 20% have similar jobs in the civilian world in departments related to communication, IT, software and allied services (Goldberg 59-60). Upon reporting to the parent unit, the individual undergoes further training at the concerned facilities for a period depending upon the requirement of the job and the laid down parameters. This is to say that depending upon the arm which the individual opts for; the training on the specialist equipment, weapons and other systems are guaranteed. The stipend during this period is paid for by the government. It implies that the individual is undergoing training and at the same time also making up his experience profile simultaneously; and he is being paid for it.! How many other jobs can boast of this facility? Job related risks It is often stated that the attendant risk and hardships of a career in the Armed Forces is a negative factor influencing the new generation from enlisting. It can be argued that the so called hardships are not a way of life and depend entirely upon the number of conflicts and skirmishes the country is involved in. Again, how many other jobs do not involve frequent moves at short notices? The aspect of living out of suitcases is generally well described in all forms of literature and media, hence need not be repeated. Needless to say frequent moves and separation from family is a factor that is true for most other forms of employment. The only difference is in the period, which again is taken care of by the system of rotation of troops that is strictly adhered to by the Defence Forces. As regards physical injuries and risk of death, it is a professional hazard and needs to be taken on its merit and statistical figures. The ratio of casualty sustained in comparison to the number of personnel inducted into the combat zone is very low, especially in the case of the developed countries like the USA, UK, France and other European countries. This is so, due to overwhelming superiority of these countries over the adversary in terms of sophistication and capability levels of weapon systems, logistics, and ensuring of an adequate stand–off distance during delivery of tactical executions of strategic plans. Besides, the other major factor influencing Government decision making is level of intolerance by the media and the country to higher casualties of own nationals. This attitude is in stark contrast to the disdain that the average citizen professes on the issue of enlistment in peace time. What I am implying here is that the possibility of being injured or killed in the war zone is not as high as is being made out to be. It is just a professional hazard which hypothetically states the possibility, but does in no way categorically confirm the same. Fatal casualty/Grevious Injury Having deliberated on the aspect of the very low probability of grievous injury and death, let us presume the case wherein either of these possibility does indeed take place. In that case, the government looks after the individual depending upon the nature of his injury, makes efforts to ensure his rehabilitation and employment in another form of work. In the event of death in action, the full range of military honors and government provisions are laid out to the individual and his family. This is only to state that the individual is not a forgotten chapter in case he is rendered invalid for active service or in case of fatal casualty. Perks and Privileges Every nation bestows upon the personnel of its armed forces a wide range of facilities and privileges which would otherwise adversely impact the monetary status of the individual. The facilities and privileges are not sacrosanct and every nation follows a different yardstick to determine what it gives its personnel, e. g. free Medicare facilities given to the personnel and also extended to their families, accommodation at subsidized rates etc. Now if these perks and privileges extended by the government were to be quantified in terms of costs, it would work out to a high figure, when added to what the individual already earns, amounts to a fat salary bill (Ostrow 219). The idea I am trying to highlight is that the privileges which are not considered while describing the low pay also need to be included just to put things in their proper perspective. And I have deliberately avoided discussing the various allowances which every nation provides its armed forces personnel in recognition of the hardships and limitations endured by them during times of operational deployment and commitments. The allowances by themselves amount to a substantial part of the remunerations and are by and large a realistic reflection of the hardships endured. Pensioner Benefits The armed forces have a stipulated period of service for their personnel, and this duration varies from country to country and within the forces: from arm to arm and service to service (Roza 10-11). However, the bottom line is that the personnel are free to leave active service and proceed home with all pensioner benefits as laid down by the Government. If the individual is smart and has planned his moves well in advance, he can join a new employment which means he has effectively two incomes to go by. It lends him a strong base for procuring home loans and enterprise related loans from banks as his degree of financial security is considerably higher than that of the average citizen. The pensioner benefits also entitle him to medical and other related facilities which result in considerable savings to the overall financial planning and outlay of the individual. Educational Benefits A sound education is defined as the basic foundation upon which rests the edifice of a person’s career. Very often, and in most cases, the inclination, interest, and urge to undergo formal education from a standard university or college exists in individuals. However, there is a large gap in the ability of the existing education system to provide to the needs of each aspiring student due to various factors. Government education institutes in most democracies have an unstated but existing drawback on the quality of education they provide. Quality education in a democracy comes at a price, which not everyone can afford. This leaves a large number of potential aspirants without quality education. However, by enlisting in the Armed Forces, this drawback is also addressed. The Armed Forces offer specialist training in a wide range of professionally oriented courses and degrees with a view to produce qualified and expert specialist in their respective sphere of tasks. Apart from this, the government provides for the service personnel opportunities to enhance their education skills before, during and after enlistment. The Montgomery GI Bill and Tuition Assistance Programme are a case in point(Asch 57). Enlisting for the armed forces thus gives the individual the opportunity to complete a degree or an education that he could otherwise not have achieved (Paradis 106). Infact the consequent experience that the individual gains (mostly under pressures of time and combat) puts him in an advantageous position when looking for a job elsewhere upon termination of his contract with the Armed Forces. Counter Claims Critics of the proposal for enlisting into the Armed Forces cite the attendant risk to life, possible injuries, extended periods of separation and comparatively lower pay packages as the principle reasons to avoid the Armed Forces. This reasoning has been discussed by me during the course of the essay and I have proved that on the surface, these points are apparently valid. However, they do not measure up to an unbiased and impartial scrutiny based on facts and statistics. Conclusion To conclude, it is again reiterated that the proposal of enlisting in the armed forces is highly beneficial to a large section of the society and country. The stated disadvantages regarding enlisting; and the advantages I have highlighted need to be weighed against each other. It would be inappropriate to come to a conclusion that affects the lives and careers of a large number of people just because we think that a particular line of thought is correct. It is more important and relevant to analyze the issue based on facts and arrive at the correct conclusion, before propagating it as a statement of fact. Work Cited Asch Beth J. â€Å"Contextual Information on Recruiting† â€Å"Military Recruiting and Retention After the Fiscal Year : Military Pay Legislation† Ed. Asch Beth A, et al Rand Corporation(2002) 57 Buck Peter â€Å"Adjusting to military Life: The Social Sciences Go to War† â€Å"Military Enterprise and Technological Change: Perspectives on the American Experience† Ed. Smith Merritt Roe MIT Press (1985) 204-6. â€Å"Hearings on National Defense Authorization ACT for Fiscal Year 2003H. R. 4546 and Oversight of By United States Congress†. House Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Military Personnel Summary The Supt. Of Docs. , U. S. G. P. O. (2003) 75-7 Goldberg Jan â€Å"Careers for Patriotic Types Others Who Want To Serve Their Country† McGraw-Hill Professional(1999) 59-60 Jerome Johnston, Jerald G. Bachman â€Å"Young Men and Military Service† Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan (1972) 195 Mavor Anne S. et al, â€Å"Attitudes, Aptitudes, and Aspirations of American Youth: Implications for Military Recruiting† National Academies Press (2003) 41-3 Ostrow Scott A. â€Å"Guide to Joining the Military â€Å"Thomson Petersons (2004) 219 Paradis Adrian A. ; â€Å"Opportunities in Military Careers† McGraw-Hill Professional (1999) 106. Rand Corporation â€Å"The Rand Paper Series† Rand Corp (1946) Roza Greg â€Å"Choosing a Career in the Military† The Rosen PublishingGroup Careers / Jobs (2001)10.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing analysis of Taylors Education Group

Marketing analysis of Taylors Education Group Taylors Education Group has been a household name in Malaysia for four decades known for producing all-rounded graduates with on-hand work experience which will enable them to be competitive and assertive in the working environment. Taylors has contributed much to Malaysias economic prosperity seeing as Taylors is expanding not only domestically but also internationally. Taylors started with humble beginnings, with only a small block in Jalan Pantai, Kuala Lumpur offering only one program. Today, Taylors has 5 campuses including the very recently established Taylors Lakeside Campus which offers a multitude of courses which comprises of diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Apart from that, Taylors 10 year mission is to become a university of 20,000 students renowned for its teaching excellence and the distinctive quality of its graduates. At the rate Taylors is growing, there is no doubt that mission can be accomplished in 5 years let alone 10 years. Taylors effective miss ion statement, Wisdom. Integrity. Excellence is undoubtedly one of the reasons why many students are attracted to this educational institution. Taylors mission statement positions students to think of Taylors as a premium and exclusive educational institution that offers excellent education quality while inculcating discipline at the same time. Taylors core purpose to educate the youth of the world to take their productive places as leaders in the global community also plays an important role in drawing students into the educational institution. In addition to that, Taylors also promises 5 core values in all of their programs. Firstly, Taylors believes in Respecting and caring for each other. Taylors promises to create an environment where everyone is appreciated disregarding personal, cultural, racial or religion differences. Taylors does this by providing a safe place to express your opinions. Besides that, exercising responsibility will also be encouraged. The efforts of individu als and groups will also be recognized and respected. Secondly, Taylors also believes in Being dedicated to a culture of excellence. Taylors will systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their organizational goals. Thus, Taylors will continually look for methods to improve themselves through continual learning and adopting methods which will contribute to Taylors long term objectives and goals. Thirdly, Taylors also believes in Openness in communication. Taylors promotes being honest in daily exchanges, and if this is done in a kind and respectful manner, trust and understanding will be developed. Fourthly, Taylors believes in Acting with integrity. Taylors will obey the codes of conduct and be ethical in their daily processes to build a culture of openness within the organization and society at large. Fifthly, Taylors also believe in Being passionate in what we do. Taylors believes by doing things passionately, it will inspire others to want to do better. Las tly, Taylors believes in Creating enjoyable environments. This assignment is mainly to study the Taylors education group, in terms of how they market their programs and education. The main focus in this assignment is the newly built Taylors Lakeside Campus. From here, well analyze how the Taylors education group has successfully turned this project into a great profit making campus. This assignment will study their marketing strategies by analyzing the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities threats (SWOT Analysis), the companys segmentation and positioning strategy and the companys marketing mix. Well also provide recommendations to improve their marketing strategies at the Taylors Lakeside Campus towards the end of this assignment. SWOT Analysis The two types of internal factors that affect the company to reach its objective are strengths and weaknesses. Firstly, the strength of Taylors college is it has a strong background and a history of 42 years. The forty two years of history include proven experience in university level education and training with growing emphasis on research to further enhance the quality of the university. This can be proven by the recognition from Ministry of Higher Education with the prestigious Excellence in Research and Development award 2005/06. Taylors University had developed a strong brand name and causes an increase in market share and brand equity. It has a famous slogan that is Wisdom, Integrity, Excellence. Taylors Universitys drive for wisdom, quest for integrity and thirst for excellence made it become a famous academic institution and is able to deliver a high quality education. Besides that, the strength of Taylors university is it offers a variety of high value and quality national r ecognized programs. The university offers architecture, design, biosciences, business, communication, IT, engineering, hospitality, law and medicine program. The academic activities adapted to the more recent socio-economic trends resulting in the development of a broad range of courses. The variety program that Taylors University provided proven that it is a powerful one stop education organization. The linking arrangement with foreign universities ensures the quality assurance of the courses and examinations. Moreover, the high development in teaching and learning skills are the strength of Taylors university. The establishment of Integrated Teaching and Life-long Learning Center at Taylors (InTeLLeCT) is to ensure the provision of relevant, innovative, and excellent learning experiences at Taylors. It creates learning experience through excellent teaching, outstanding academic student support initiatives, and an innovative and technology-driven learning environment. (Taylors Univ ersity 2011) By investing in InTeLLect, it ensures the continuous improvement of human resources by creating an experienced academic and support staff to educate more quality students. The high quality lecturers can be proved by one of the lecturers from the School of Engineering Dr TVN Padmesh for being awarded with the Young Scientist Paper Award 5th International Conference of Environmental Science and Technology 2010 in Texas, USA from July 12-16. In addition, geographical location and comfortable campus environment also adds to the strength of Taylors University. Taylors University is located at Subang Jaya and there are high amount of population and fast rising developments. It is well connected to the cities of Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam and the townships of Petaling Jaya therefore it is a good location. Taylors university offers the best campus environment and provide the best facilities among the competitors. The facilities provided are new and comprehensive, an example of fac ilities that is provided is the library, sports and recreation centre, hostel, lecture theatres, student central, sick bay, experiment labs and food court. (Taylors 2011) On the other hand, the weakness of Taylors University is it is charging a higher price than others competitor in the education market. For example, Taylors university is charging double the price of Help University College for the business program. The higher price charge sometimes will affect the consumer decision to choose Taylors university and unsatisfied consumers may end up going to other universities. Taylors university must ensure that the price charged should create superior value and provide value-added services to the consumer. Besides that, the weakness of the university is the choices of twinning program that it offers are limited. For example, Help University College is the biggest competitor at this point because it offers more university choices and has better partner universities. Taylors university should improve the choices for partner universities to gain its market share. The two types of external factors that affect the company to reach its objective are opportunities and threats. The opportunity of Taylors university is there is an increase in the awareness of the importance in attaining tertiary education. Nowadays, most organisations are hiring employees with either a diploma or a bachelors degree. Therefore, this encourages Malaysian parents to finance their childrens education to get at least a Bachelors degree for a better career. Besides that, Malaysia acts as one of the world excellence centre for education had created an opportunities for the university by an increases in international student. It is estimated that there are about 70,000 international students from more than 100 countries currently studying in public and private higher education institutions in Malaysia. (Study in Malaysia Handbook 2011) Malaysia is a diverse country with rapid economic development, stable politic, disaster free and it offers an affordable cost to the intern ational student for higher education opportunities will attract more international student in the future. Taylors university can consider providing more choices for world best partner university to increase its opportunity by increase competitiveness and grow its market share. The threat of Taylors university is it facing the increasing size of its competitor. For example, to cope with the increasing demand for quality education in the region, HELP University College will be opening a new state of the art Green Technology Campus in Subang 2 The campus is 600,000 sq ft and it is strategically located between Kota Damansara, Subang, Sungai Buloh, and Shah Alam. Due to the increase awareness of public to prevent and preserve the environment, HELP University College new campus will attract more attention from the public. By improving the facilities of Help University College in the new campus, providing a better partner university choice and offer a lower prising education, Taylors university will faces a higher competition. (HELP International Corporation 2008) Direct competitors are firms that offer products and services that are functionally the same. The direct competitors of Taylors university are those private university college and college for example HELP University College, INTI University College, Sunway University College, and KDU College. Those University and college offer the similar courses and the differences between them is the brand familiarity and the quality of education provided. Taylors University branding themselves by providing quality education, good campus environment and good facilities have made differences between itself with other brands. The extra value that Taylors provide causes a higher price charge for the program. Taylors university have to ensure that they will deliver what they had promised the consumer to gain market share and create customer satisfaction for building customer relationship. An indirect competitor is the businesses that are offering close substitutes products and services. These competitors are probably targeting the markets with a same or similar value proposition, but delivering a different product. The indirect competitors of Taylors university are the governments higher education institutions such as polytechnics, teacher training colleges, community colleges, Public college and Public universities. Some examples of these institutions are TAR College, University Malaya, and Politeknik Port Dickson(PPD). The public system has become competitor because the number of public universities and community colleges is increasing. The cost of studying in a public university is cheaper because 90% of the public universities funding came from Malaysian Government and the balance 10% is from student fees. (MoHE 2008) Segmentation Positioning Strategy Pie Chart 1.1 The pie chart shows the Malaysian household monthly income distribution. The information is sourced from MP Amirshams reply to Dr Michael J Devarajs question during a parliament assembly in July 2008. Demographic factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. One reason is that customer usage rates, needs and wants always very closely with demographic variables. Besides, demographic variables are easier to measure than other types of variables. Therefore, demographic segmentation is used in this assignment which divides the market into groups based on income for education in Taylor University Lakeside. The three market segments which relevant are low-income, medium-income and high-income. INCOME SEGMENTATION Low-income segment (households monthly income RM4-5k) Medium-income segment (households monthly income RM5-10k) High-income segment (households monthly income >RM10k) Firstly, low-income segment indicates the households monthly income between RM4000 and RM5000. The people from this segment only able to pursue the education provided by national university or governments subsidy universities. Their families cannot afford the expensive tuition fees because they have to spend the money in their daily expenses. Secondly, medium-income segment indicates households monthly income between RM5000 and RM10000. The people from this segment able to pursue the education provided by private universities in the country such as Taylor University and Sunway University. The standard of living is higher, so they willing to spend more money in education. Thirdly, high-income segment indicates the households monthly income more than RM10000. The people from this segment normally will send their children to foreign country for world-class education in United Kingdom or Australia. They totally have to power to cover the expensive living costs and tuition fees of their c hildren at overseas. Taylors Education Group targets affluence customers which are under medium-income segment with high quality facilities and services. This is because customers from medium-income segment have the right size and growth characteristics. Generally, the customers from this segment plan to study locally. With the approximately RM96000 of households annually income, people will choose to study at private college in the country. Local private colleges and universities find it easy to choose a differentiation and positioning strategy. In several cases, two or more competitors will go after the same position. Therefore, each of them will have to find its ways to set itself apart. For instance, Taylor University, Sunway University and Help University put in a lot of effort to decide on a value proposition. Therefore, Taylors Education Group well known for quality in certain segments differentiates itself by the outstanding image, service and slogan. The slogan had successfully been used to communicate with the consumers by sending the message of value and promises that the university will deliver. The slogan of Taylors university had effectively create differentiation between its competitor and position itself as providing superior customer value and leads to the gain of competitive advantage. Furthermore, Taylor goes for more for more positioning strategy. More for more positioning involves providing the most classy services, products and changing a higher price to balance the higher costs. Taylors Education Group differentiates its offer by invested at least RM450 million to build a unique lakeside campus that appeal to people from the medium-income segment. Taylors study environment and facilities are way better than its competitors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is a state-of-the-art modern tropical university campus, designed to meet the needs of students and in line with the nations goal of becoming a local centre of education excellence. The campus is surrounded by a revived 5.5 acre human-made lake and its landscape made up of trees, groundcovers, flowering shrubs, and water plants, which provide a stimulating and rich natural environment. In contrast, compared to Help University College, who using the same for less positioning strategy just to offer a great deal to everyone. By offering this positioning strategy, customers will tend to join Help University College due to the affordable tuition fee. However, the low-prices brand in an effort to lure customers away from market leader. Because of the low cost operations, the buildings and campuses separated and students have to take the shuttle bus to reach specific building for classes. This action brings a lot of inconvenient to customers and triggers them from joining. Customers from medium-income segment normally will chase for the university that fulfil a minimum requirements such as everything in one campus and safety. Besides, high quality study environment and facilities will also make customers chase for it. By offering high quality education and services, Taylors Education Group hopes for higher sales and stronger position within targeted market segment. The lakeside campus successfully developed a stronger position and creates more total sales than its competitors. Although its overall tuition fee above RM18000 per year, compare to other colleges is much more expensive, but customers are still willing to study in this university. As a result, Taylor Lakeside Campus gets a more stable, much greater market share than other college could. Taylors Education Group planned positions that give their services the greatest advantage in selected target markets, served the preferences and needs of well-defined targets markets and yet succeeds because it just meet the right value proposition. Taylor provided impressive and comfortable 4-storey library, retail Podium, Experimental Theatre, 600-pax Auditorium, 300-pax Lecture Theatre and outdoor Amphitheatre. The 4-storey library is so amazing, packed with different computers, facilities and resources. There are also different types of closed study room and discussion rooms in the library which allows students to have discussions among their friends without interrupting other students in the library. Besides, the Retail Podium is where inter-connecting streets lead to banks, cafes, convenience stores, shops and an array of service amenities. Everything of this made Taylor Lakeside campus so outstanding compared to others. In conclusion, the More for More positioning strategy totally more successful compared to The Same for Less. Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis Product The main product that Taylors University offers is in a form of service in which they provide education in return for tuition fees. However, there are also other products that the Taylors education group offers which include accommodation and basic necessities such as food and drinks which is provided by the campuss cafeteria and restaurants around the campus. The product that the Taylors education group provides is one of the reasons to the new Taylors Lakeside campuss success. Firstly, Taylors University has provided potential students with many choices of programs which include a variety of pre-university programs, a range of bachelors degree programs and also a PhD program in business administration. With a mixture of so many different courses, students who are seeking a tertiary education would find Taylors as a potential institution to further their studies. It is also important that we recognize the programs Taylors University offers are programs which are popular among todays students and also in demand among parents. With a combination of providing a wide-range of education programs along with programs which are popular, Taylors have found the perfect product that it can offer to the education market. Another type of product that Taylors University offers is the accommodation and dining service. With the presence of a student hostel located next to its main campus, students who are from overseas or a different state need not worry for a place to stay, or for transportation as the campus is only a walking distance away. Not to forget, the many different restaurants and also the cafeteria that is located right at the student hostel. This is one of the advantages the Taylors Lakeside campus has over its competitors, students who study at Taylors need not go a long distance in order to search for good and quality food. With the convenience that is provided by Taylors University, many students find themselves attracted to its product. The campuss structural design has also gained much attention from both prospective students and also parents. Investments made for its attractive architecture has definitely made an impact on the success of this campus. In a survey our group did, we have found that 50 percent of students were initially attracted to study at this new campus due to its attractive design. Price On average, to complete a bachelors degree at Taylors University could cost up to RM80, 000. This price of course varies depending on the course the student engaged in. Here, we will concentrate on the pricing strategies that Taylors University had used for a bachelor of business degree. At Taylors University, to complete a 3 year bachelor of business program would cost an average of RM80, 000. This fee is arguably rather high for a university in Malaysia. When compared to HELP University College, the price to complete a 3 year bachelor of business program is two times higher of that of HELPs. It only cost up to RM40, 000 in order to obtain a business degree at HELP University College. So why is it that Taylors University is making much higher profits compared to HELP University College? The answer is simple, the target market are of those among the medium income segment. From pie chart 1.1, it can be seen that 20.7 % of Malaysians are either in the medium-income segment or the high- income segment. For parents or guardians earning more than RM5, 000 a month, it would not be much of a problem to afford to send their child to complete their studies at Taylors University, provided that they have proper financial management. However, people may question to why parents send their child to Taylors University when they can save the money and send their child to a different university. The answer again is simple; parents want their best for their children. Most parents who are in between the medium-income segment and the high-income segment would not hesitate to send their child to a more renowned University provided that it has quality education, a superior campus and also a convenient location. Place Taylors main campus is located in a location that is accessible to target market. It is strategically located in the urban areas of Subang Jaya which is well known as a student hub consistent of all types of household such as average and above average income household. It is also well linked with other township such as Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam, and Klang making it a easily accessible educational institution for students to pursue their studies. On the other hand it is located thirty minutes away from Kuala Lumpur which is the capital city of Malaysia. In addition Subang Jaya is linked by highways for example Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong and Federal Highway allowing students who does not live in Subang Jaya reaching the campus much easier. Promotion Taylors uses several promotion tools to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationship. One of the tools is advertising. Taylors does their promotion through major media types such as television, newspaper, direct mail magazines, radio and the internet through websites such as facebook twitter, youtube and their very own Taylors website. Another promotion tool that Taylors uses is sales promotion. Taylors encourages purchases of their product by offering discounts such as early birds discount for consumers who register early or pay their fees early. Another discount is children and siblings discount for those who have other siblings studying in the same institution. Other incentives are scholarship such as top achiever scholarship which is based on SPM results. Another promotion tool used is building good public relations. Taylors sponsors events such as sports competition, charity events to build their image in the public. Other than that Taylors uses other public relation tools such as news and written materials to promote their product, facilities and so on. For example Taylors promote the beauty of their new lakeside campus and the facility it provides in a magazine. The last promotion tool that Taylors use is personal selling. Taylors uses sales person such as consultants and counselors to promote their product and build customer relationship through personal interaction. Taylors present their sales by giving a presentation of the products offered at Taylors in events such as career day and Taylors open day. Another example is Taylors sending some sales people to high schools to promote their product and to build long term customer relationship with students who are soon taking their SPM and to those who havent decided what they want to do after they finish their secondary school education. Recommendations Product One way to improve the product Taylors University provides to students is to provide more parking spaces for students who drive to the campus. Based on our observation and research, we have found that many students are unhappy with the parking system and lack of parking spaces imposed by Taylors University. Some have even threatened to leave if a solution is not found. To avoid a bad reputation and a loss of consumer confidence, it is important that they construct more parking lots or change their parking systems. However, a cheaper and more convenient way for the company is to adjust students timetables in order to make the campus less crowded at certain times. For example, the management at Taylors University can move more morning classes into the afternoon in order to avoid over-packed parking slots during the morning. Price A pricing strategy that we would recommend is to provide more student aid for programs which are less popular among students and parents. The student aid would be for those who are not able to afford the entire tuition fees imposed by Taylors University. This way, the company will also benefit from less popular programs as parents from lower-income segments will also be able to afford to send their children for these less popular programs.. From the way we see it, the Taylors Lakeside campus has been profiting huge amounts of money from student fees due to the crowded campus, therefore, we would not recommend a change in price of student fees in order to avoid a congested campus which may deteriorate its quality. An increase in price of student fees may well cause Taylors University to lose its main target segment which are the medium-income earners as for most of them, the price is just right. It may however not have much effect on the high-income earners as it is still affordable f or most of them. Also, reducing the price by a fair amount may cause more low-income earners to send their children to Taylors University to further their education. This would cause the campus to be overcrowded which may in turn decline the campuss quality. Therefore, the only recommendation we have is for Taylors University to provide more student aid for programs which are less popular among students and parents. However, Taylors Education Group is a private limited company which therefore inhibits us from viewing their financial statements which may prove our judgements wrong. Place In order to improve its placing Taylors would need to built more campuses in much more strategic locations in order to make its product easily accessible. Kota Damansara and Puchong are some of the examples of strategic locations. Other than building more campuses, Taylors can build more campuses that offers tertiary educations. Right now the only place students can undergo their tertiary education is at Taylors main campus. To have more campuses that offers the same tertiary education would improve its placing. Promotion On the other hand, to improve its promotion, Taylors can increase its outside sales force. Taylors can do house to house personal selling by sending sales consultants to houses. Instead of the customers come to Taylors, Taylors can go to their potential customers. This introduces a much more personal interaction between the two or more people. Customers will feel much more relax to express their need since they are in their own house. Consultants will be able to observe and make quick adjustments to solve customer problems. Another advantage of doing this house to house personal selling is it can build a much better customer relationship. Another Taylors can do is to improve its promotion is by providing much stronger incentives by offering promotional tools such as premiums or patronage rewards. For example Taylors offered Ali cash reward for being a loyal consumer by studying in their institution for three years. Conclusion The Taylors Lakeside Campus is currently becoming more and more popular. Due to the rising competition from other educational institutions such as HELP University College and Sunway University College, Taylors Lakeside Campus has to constantly strive to distinguish themselves from other educational institutions. Taylors being a well-known educational institution for over four decades certainly has its advantages. This gives a perception to people that Taylors is a well-established educational institution on the basis of the amount of years it has been running. Thus, Taylors is able to use this opportunity to charge a higher price compared to other local universities. However, Taylors must deliver the peoples moneys worth through academic excellence and by providing a conducive environment. Take for instance Taylors Lakeside Campus. Taylors Lakeside Campus still manages to draw many students despite the expensive cost of education because of its past records of academic excellence and also the very peaceful and relaxing environment at Taylors Lakeside Campus. Taylors Lakeside Campus managed to combine both elements of work and play which is very much commendable. Taylors Lakeside Campus targets the high-income segment. This is very much evident in the cost of education of Taylors which is comparably higher than its competitors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is very appealing as it practices the More for More positioning strategy. This strategy requires Taylors to provide outstanding facilities and environment. In return, Taylors will earn a higher brand positioning in the minds of the people. This will then attract them to enrol in Taylors. Taylors Lakeside Campus is a force to be reckoned with in the education industry. From strategic locations to academic excellence, Taylors Education Group is certainly making a tremendous effort up till now for it to be able to withstand the adversities of time. In short, no educational institution is perfect. However, one can stri ve to deliver the best value it can to satisfy customers. Taylors Lakeside Campus can indeed be classified into that category as the epitome of educational institutions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Homeschooling: A Growing Trend Essay -- Education, Parents, early edu

Introduction Today, many parents are homeschooling their children. A U.S. Department of Education’s report shows that approximately 1.5 million children were being homeschooled in 2007 (Lips & Feinberg, 2008). This is almost 3 percent of all school age children (Lips & Feinberg, 2008). A private researcher, the National Home Education Research Institute, estimates 2.5 million children were being homeschooled in the 2007 – 2008 academic years (Lips & Feinberg, 2008). By either count, homeschooling is growing exponentially. Parents have been teaching their children at home for centuries. During the 1970s, the interest in homeschooling increased. Legal advocates had lots of opposition when pressing for the legal right to educate their child at home and change compulsory school attendance. The National Education Association fought to place restrictions on home schooling. However, most of the efforts have failed. As a result, homeschooling is legal in every state. Reasons for Homeschooling Growth There are numerous reasons why parents turn to homeschooling. Changes in the families and public schools drive the increase. Public schools grew larger, more bureaucratic, and more impersonal. Parents felt more alienated as the school was less responsive and less adaptive to cultural needs. This was combined with the loss of the Christian culture and curriculum the parents found offensive or against their social values (Gaither, 2008). The major reasons for homeschooling cited by two-thirds of the parents interviewed are concern about the school environment, dissatisfaction with the academic programs, and the desire for religious or moral instruction (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2004). Parents feel ... ...ated, this was not true of the homeschoolers. The homeschoolers also tended to vote more often. They were also involved in more community service than the general population. The homeschoolers were not isolated, but politically and socially active (Ray, 2004). Conclusion There are a growing number of homeschooled students and it appears homeschooling is successful. Most parents homeschool because of the environment, both academic and moral. The states need to insure all children are being educated. However, the requirements vary by state. Michigan is the most liberal, not even requiring homeschoolers to report to the state. The internet has expanded the types of homeschooling. Combined with the availability of the public school system for specialized programs, homeschooling is now a more popular option. Homeschooling will continue to be a growing area.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Over My Dead Body Essay -- essays research papers

I have often wondered why people went through so much time and money disposing of dead bodies. Once the person dies, I seriously doubt that they care what happens to their body. In the past, bodies have been put to rest many different ways. Cultures have a large effect on this. Some cultures would burn the body or hang them up high so the spirits could be released. Nevertheless, I have only found three legal ways to dispose of a dead body in the United States today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Burial is the traditional way to go. The majority of our population is put six feet under in an expensive casket, just so they can rot. Burying someone almost seems rude because it allows the worms, bacteria, and other decomposers to eat away at the body. Besides that, cemeteries are taking up a large amount of land that could be used for something useful. Also, when having an open casket funeral, I believe that it brings more pain to the family. They then have to face the reality while staring at the gross cadaver. Sometimes families even get in large arguments over what the person is going to wear when buried. I believe that we could all save stress, time, and money by finding better way to dispose of our bodies. I feel that there are better options.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cremation has many advantages but is rarely used unless the person is badly hurt or has no family. Some people think that cremation is morbid and sick, but I believe that it makes good sense. By cremating...

Student from Myanmar

When I was a grade 10 transferee student from Myanmar to Philippines in 2008, I saw how different our education system and the atmosphere of learning from other country. My experiences during these high school years in the Philippines inspired me to become an educator in Myanmar. My first step in preparing for my goal to become an effective educator was when I enrolled Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English at University of the Cordilleras in Baguio City, Philippines in 2011. I understood that education course would equip me with the necessary knowledge and skills to be an effective teacher and leader. I took advantage of all the lessons taught in the classes, I was studying my best in understanding the lessons from my lecturers, professors and classmates knowing that I would return to my mother land, share and apply what goods I have learned in abroad. When, I graduated my bachelor degree in 2015, I came back to my country and started working as a full time English teacher in Yangon, Myanmar. As a teacher my passion is to instill and encourage an inquiring mind to my students. Teaching allows me to work on hearts and minds, to guide people in becoming empowered, creative, liberated human beings who are interested to make a better place for all of us. Secondly, for about three years of teaching, my passion for education reform in Myanmar grow, I have realized that investment must be made in creating education that meets the need of building peace in the country especially with ethnic minority groups, the needs of Myanmar's growing economy and industry growth. It is also vital to enrich the country's academic offerings as I believe education is the ultimate to development of a country and the growth of its people mind. This teaching journey have led me to dream a bigger part of change agent, a desire to improve the education system in my country Myanmar, provide individuals free and quality education, inspire students to strive with the right mindset and creativity, because with the right mindset, it's possible to make all developments from private sectors to public administrations in the country and its citizens' potential. The more I realized it the more I am encouraged to pursue Master Degree in Education. So that I can work for educational reform, and with ample experience I will be able to work with ministry of education in Myanmar, AND VARIOUS NGOs which focus on the improvement of education system, I hope that students are aware of information regarding their chances of becoming their dream person, by running campaigns to inform students about scholarship programs all around the world, giving them guide how to achieve the scholarship, even work for students to achieve their dreams. Eventually I will like launch my own organization that focus on quality education as a whole particularly training teachers all around the country, who would reach out to their individual places and educate children, who are the hope and backbone of our country's development. It is important that students are given many choices and opportunities to complete their bachelor degree without having to struggle so much with their financial crisis and geographical dispersal.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Professional Ethics

Running head: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional Ethics Donna Noha University of Phoenix Professional Ethics We as nurses are accountable for our ethical conduct. So what are ethics? How are ethics different from our morals? In this paper, I will define what ethics are, describe the significance of professional ethics to nursing practice, summarize the purpose and the contexts of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, and finally discuss two the provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics. So are morals different from ethics? Morals and ethics are similar. Morals are an individual’s belief or personal standard of what is right and wrong, whether it is someone’s conduct, attitude, or character. Ethics can be referred to as beliefs, standards, or morals of a specific group, such as nurses (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006). Nursing practice has its own professional ethics. The nursing codes of ethics are formal statements of standards for professional conduct and inform the public of its commitment. What do nurses do with this Code of Ethics? Nurses have more of a moral responsibility due to having knowledge in a specialized area to help other people. Duties of a nurse are to protect and maximize the patient’s well-being, even if we are not working. For example, if there is car accident that a nurse witnesses and there are injured people, that nurse has the responsibility to take act within her nursing skills to help the injured. The significance of ethics in nursing practice is very important. Nurses have to think of the client’s health, well being, and their morals instead of only of their own. The ANA created the Scope and Standard of Practice, which include the Nurse Code of ethics. But what does that Code of Ethics entail? The ANA Code of Ethics was designed so that every nurse must act and think certain ways ensuring that the patient’s rights are protected as well as the nurse’s rights are protected. The Code of Ethics provides rules and standard for nurses to maintain and elicit ethical behavior that is expected when practicing nursing in any health care settings. The Code also gives guidance for decision making that concerns ethical issues. ( Hooks & White, 2003) The Code of Ethics consists of nine provisions. The first three provisions deal with fundamental values and responsibilities that the nurse assumes. The next three involve the nurse’s duties to oneself, accountability, and improvement. The last three discuss the nurse’s responsibility of professional advancement, collaboration, and the overall concern of human rights (Hooks & White, 2003). Provision two and three of the Code of Ethics for Nurses states â€Å"the nurse’s primary commitment is the patient† and â€Å"the nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient. (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006)† These two provisions fit well together. The main concern is of the patient’s well being and best interest. This means that the patient is number one priority for the nurse. The nurse will be that patient’s advocate and speak on his/her behalf and informs the patient of treatment. For example, when performing minor procedures in my clinic, it is my responsibility to ensure that the patient signs the consent form stating that he/she knows why the procedure is being done, risks and benefits of both the procedure being done or not, and that they have a right to refuse treatment. A lot of the times, the provider doesn’t explain everything, so it is my ethical responsibility to ask questions for the patient so they understand everything. These provisions have ethical principles of nursing practice that apply to each of the nine provisions. Key ethical principles used in provision two and three include autonomy because the nurse respects the patient’s decisions. Nonmaleficence and beneficence is also key principles in these provisions. These two are basic principles of nursing practice. The nurse will have the patient’s best interest in mind and will do no harm to the patient. In conclusion, I have discussed what professional ethics are and how they are based on morals and the significance in nursing practice. I also discussed that the purpose of the ANA Code of Ethics is to serve as a standard of practice and that in contains nine provisions. Of those nine, I discussed provision two and three with key principles for those. References Blais, K. , Hayes, J. , Kozier, B. , & Erb, G. (2006). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Hooks, K. G. & White, G. B. (2003). ANA's code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements independent study module. American Nurses Association. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from http://www. nursingworld. org/mods/mod580/cecdetoc. htm